
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Minor Delay

Here is the facebook post I wrote following my doctor's appointment in Nashville on May 16th. Just a little late, I'd say.  =/  Sorry, guys.

I've been up since 5:20am, but would probably be hunted down if I didn't post an update before going to bed. My scan today did not show any major changes in the size of the tumor. (Slightly smaller by millimeters, if any.) There is still some swelling and inflammation, which the doctor said was normal. Good news, though... the area of the tumor that enhanced with contrast has lessened. This area was the biggest concern among the doctors. I start a higher dose of Temodar (chemotherapy pill) soon, which will be taken 5 days/month for the next 6 months. Dr. Moots wants me to return to Nashville every two months for follow-up scans. Road trip, anyone? :)

And in other news...
I am tired. physically. mentally. emotionally. etc. This journey is hard.

Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)
13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Your prayers are much appreciated.  Also, please say a special prayer for Kevin and our boys. They have been so patient with this steroid-crazed wife/momma. (Not that I can blame all my irritability on the prescription meds...) Two and a half months is a long time to be drugged up, and we still have a few weeks to go. I said it the other night at our Life Group, and I will repeat it here, "Kevin deserves some kind of reward for putting up with me these last few weeks."

I am truly blessed.