
Friday, January 20, 2012

Taking the first step seems to be the hardest.

I will write. I will ignore the chills and tremors that start as anxiety creeps in, because God's Word tells me, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

This is my journey, and although I may not ever know its purpose, I do believe it has one. There is more to this brain tumor than just a cool scar and a new haircut. This is just the physical path that I am walking down for now, but it is the battle within that must be fought in order for me to be victorious in the end.

For future reference:
I plan to use this blog more as an online journal than anything else.
Comments are welcome.
Grammar police are not.  ;)


  1. I cannot imagine the thoughts that race through your mind nor the apprehension about the future and what it may bring but I do know have faith and and "without faith, it is impossible to please God" so I know that God is pleased with you and the Lord Jesus will be walking with you through this recovery and healing period. "All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." We all believe that...we all live by that. And I know that you believe that. So many are keeping you held up in prayer, trusting that our God has complete control . God bless you, Sandi....I know He will.

  2. You are so strong, and that is admirable.

  3. I can imagine what you are going through because I have gone through something similar. The only strength you need is straight from heaven above. He and only He will speak Peace to you. I have experienced the Peace that passes all understanding. Even after experiencing it, I had to draw close to the Lord each night because I needed peace to sleep. I had to pray each day. Everything comes through Jesus and what He did at the Cross for us! It doesn't come by our strength, but faith in what Christ did. He died for us because we weren't strong enough to do it ourselves. I have experienced these chills and anxiety you speak of. I can't speak for you, but mine were straight from the pit of Hell. Your Father will not let you break. I am weak, but He is strong. So don't worry, I am one of the weakest in comparison to others. It's not about your strength, but His. He is strong. In the name of Jesus Father, speak Peace to Sandi! You are in control Father! Praying for you sister.

  4. Sandi,

    I look forward to reading your blog. I may not comment often (or at all), but I'm here. Not as a grammar police though, you did a pretty good job up there!

