
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I was supposed to start round two of my chemo pill (Temodar) on Monday; however, results from labwork I had done last week show my platelet level is low. They will recheck this Friday and go from there. We're also still working on getting my meds adjusted after my flurry of seizures during round one of temodar. High doses of anti-seizure meds and steroids are not good for anyone - just ask Kevin. I've been on steroids since the middle of March, and he's still married to me! ;) I think we're finally headed in the right direction, though.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Where did she go?

I'm SO tired of not recognizing the person staring back at me in the mirror.  ='(

Friday, June 8, 2012

TOXICITY [tok-sis-i-tee] noun - the quality, relative degree, or specific degree of being toxic or poisonous: to determine the toxicity of arsenic.

My drug stash

Fighting brokenness.

Empty words.
   -Kept promises.
"It's nice to meet you."
   -Honest mistake. 
Mountains of laundry.
   -Working washer.
Sheer exhaustion.
   -Physical ability to move.
30 lbs.
   -Could be 50.  
Moon face.
    -Can still reflect the Son even in the darkness.

My moon face, buffalo hump, and 30 extra pounds (Cushing's syndrome) all courtesy of dexamethasone.

What I miss about driving...
Going places by myself.
No pressure of drivers waiting on me to finish my errands.
Running to the store just to wander around.
Taking the boys anywhere.
Leaving the house to check the mail.
Planning and spending time with friends.
Being able to satisfy a craving. Glazed donut from The Village Bake Shop, anyone?
Circling the block just to hear the end of a great song.
Getting the boys out of the house when we need a break from a rough day.
Late night runs to the grocery store.
Having control of the wheel.
Driving to work.
Being able to commit to events/activities. (Hard to do when you know it requires finding a ride.)
Planning family fun time.
Trips to Chick-fil-A just for a sweet tea.
Almost everything.

Someday we'll meet again...  :)

Redefining a Grateful Heart:
My boys love me bald or not. Moon face or not. 30 pounds heavier or not.
I have two legs that function properly and allow me to walk to the store.
I live close enough to the store that I can walk there if I need something.
I have family and friends who step up when I ask for help.
I have family and friends who help even when I don't ask.
I am alive.
I am loved.